The Most Common Fears from Yoga Teachers Addressed! business of yoga yoga business Mar 14, 2024

Are you stepping onto the mat, not just as a practitioner this time, but as a brave soul venturing into the yoga business?


Congratulations, you're embarking on a journey that is as rewarding...

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Boss in Lotus Pose: Carving Your Niche in the Business of Yoga business of yoga yoga business Mar 14, 2024

Diving headfirst into the yoga business can feel a lot like attempting your first headstand . . .


Exciting, a bit daunting, and requiring a balance you’re not quite sure you possess...

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Harnessing the Law of Attraction for Your Ideal Yoga Career business of yoga law of attraction yoga business Mar 13, 2024

Embarking on a yoga career can feel like stepping onto your mat for the first time - exciting yet filled with the unknown.

Whether you’re a new yoga teacher looking to carve out a niche in...

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Combat Imposter Syndrome: Stepping into Your Full Potential as a New Yoga Instructor business of yoga yoga business Mar 13, 2024


Embarking on the journey of becoming a yoga teacher is thrilling, yet, let's be honest, it can also be a bit daunting.

Whether you're dreaming of leading your first class or you're dipping...

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