Top 10 Tips for Creating Size-Inclusive Yoga Classes: A Guide for Teachers cueing yoga teaching skills Jul 01, 2024

Namaste, fellow yoga teacher!


Have you ever had that moment in class where you realize your cues might not be landing for everyone? Maybe you’ve noticed some students struggle to find...

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New to the Mat? How to Bounce Back from Cueing Errors in Your Yoga Class! cueing yoga teaching skills Apr 06, 2024


Are you a newer yoga teacher and still finding your teaching groove?

Listen, we all make mistakes, especially when it comes to cueing in a yoga class. But fear not! In this...

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Cue like an Expert: Sun Salutation Practice for Yoga Teachers cueing yoga teaching skills Mar 29, 2024



Yoga teacher, are you feeling a bit overwhelmed by the art of cueing? Don't worry, you're not alone!

Cueing, or the art of using as few words as possible to guide your students into...

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Six Techniques for More Effective Yoga Cueing cueing yoga teaching skills Mar 22, 2024


Are you a new yoga teacher looking for ways to improve your cueing skills and feel more confident in your classes?


Cueing is an essential part of guiding your students through their...

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The Most Common Fears from Yoga Teachers Addressed! business of yoga yoga business Mar 14, 2024

Are you stepping onto the mat, not just as a practitioner this time, but as a brave soul venturing into the yoga business?


Congratulations, you're embarking on a journey that is as rewarding...

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Boss in Lotus Pose: Carving Your Niche in the Business of Yoga business of yoga yoga business Mar 14, 2024

Diving headfirst into the yoga business can feel a lot like attempting your first headstand . . .


Exciting, a bit daunting, and requiring a balance you’re not quite sure you possess...

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Harnessing the Law of Attraction for Your Ideal Yoga Career business of yoga law of attraction yoga business Mar 13, 2024

Embarking on a yoga career can feel like stepping onto your mat for the first time - exciting yet filled with the unknown.

Whether you’re a new yoga teacher looking to carve out a niche in...

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Combat Imposter Syndrome: Stepping into Your Full Potential as a New Yoga Instructor business of yoga yoga business Mar 13, 2024


Embarking on the journey of becoming a yoga teacher is thrilling, yet, let's be honest, it can also be a bit daunting.

Whether you're dreaming of leading your first class or you're dipping...

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Demystifying the 'Easy' in Easy Seated Pose yoga pose Mar 09, 2024

Demystifying the 'Easy' in Easy Seated Pose

Are you one of those who consider 'Sukhasana' as the poster child of yoga, simple and approachable? Well, let's debunk the common misconception right...

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Fresh on the Mat: Mastering Koshas for the New Yoga Instructor energetics Mar 09, 2024

Unveiling the Mystery of the Koshas


Stepping onto the mat as a new yoga instructor can be as exhilarating as it is nerve-wracking. You're eager to make a difference, yet the vast ocean of...

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Navigating the Cosmic Waves: Yoga Insights for Pluto in Aquarius Feb 03, 2024

As we step onto our yoga mats, we not only connect with our bodies but also with the ever-shifting energies of nature, the planet, and the cosmos. In the realm of yoga, awareness of celestial...

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